news from la granja

(ES) La presión por ser “perfectos” agota a los padres y daña la salud mental del hijo

Les grans expectatives que tenen molts pares sobre com cal exercir la seva maternitat o paternitat i sobre el que els seus fills haurien de fer condueixen a l’esgotament físic…

LA VANGUARDIA. “If you are not able to regulate what you feel, emotions take control of your life.’

Cristina Gutiérrez argues that emotional education is the best way to prevent psychological problems and offers resources for this purpose. Cristina Gutiérrez (Germany, 1967) is a researcher in the field…

LA VANGUARDIA. The La Granja method: from outdoor recreation to emotional management training

Each activity at the farm school is designed to work on skills such as self-esteem, communication, leadership and courage. “I take away that I can trust more people than I…

Colloquium “The importance of socioemotional education from childhood”

Ana López Trenco, manager of ASAPME_Asociación Aragonesa Pro Salud Mental, led the colloquium “The importance of socioemotional education from childhood”, organized by Fundación Ibercaja. With Lorena Fernández, coordinator of Unicef…