We are The Farm, farm school and Ability Training Center, technically a skills accelerator. Are situated at Fuentidueña de Tajo (Madrid).
We have created a world surrounded of nature, of animals and of horses, of magic and of liberty where everything is possible. A world where the emotional nurture is our tool to educate, and where the coexistence will be a positive experience that will recall always.
More of 11.000 they are the boys and girls that pass every year for the Farm, boys and girls that come with the schools during the school course to realise his colonies and excursions, and boys and families that come in the summer or the weekends.
Our experience and what view every day has engaged us with the nurture of the country, making that since the year 2004 take creating a methodology, based at the emotional nurture, that functions with the boys and adults of nowadays. The results of the Method The Farm evidence scientifically the improvement of the 5 emotional competences after his step for the Farm.
The Farm has grossed the prize “Values of company” of the Foundation PIMEC, the prize at the “Educational Excellence” 2019 of the Gallic Foundation, the prize at the “Best workplace and development of persons” for the European Business Awards (EBA), the awards of the Sport 2019 for the project “Emotional Nurture at the sport” for the Catalan Foundation of the Sport, and the prize EMAS 2010 for the “Best implication for the Environment”.