
The result of the La Granja Method is reflected in the Study of the Impact of the La Granja Method on emotional camps carried out by the GROP, Research Group on Educational Psychology at the University of Barcelona (November 2017), on a sample of 132 children between 8 and 14 years of age. The quantitative and qualitative study shows significant changes between before and after in the 5 dimensions of emotional competences (awareness, regulation, autonomy, social, life and well-being competence). Likewise, the study evaluates the anxiety of students, demonstrating a significant decrease in the values of state anxiety and trait anxiety after attending school camps.

Regarding the qualitative results, we give you some examples obtained from what the students themselves say or write:

  • “Empathy is the first step on the road to others.” Laia, 9 years old.
  • “I understand that when I get angry I have a fully functioning reptilian brain.” Gael, 10 years old.
  • “We have to learn to smile.” Martina, 7 years old.
  • “I have learned to listen with my ears, my eyes and my heart.” Guillem, 8 years old.
  • “I left fear behind in the forest, I don’t want to take it with me.” Laura, 8 years old.
  • “I liked the “forest of emotions”,  it has highlighted qualities that I did not see in myself” Clara, 12 years old.

and with adults it works too!

Anna Fernández. Outdoor Training student of the Master in Emotional Education at the University of Barcelona. FEAR NO LONGER MAKES ME FEARFUL. “Suddenly your heart is racing. You no longer feel anything from outside. Only a voice inside saying … “I can’t, it’s impossible.” Sweat on your hands, your heartbeat getting stronger. But … “What if you could?” In a matter of seconds your hand rises. Do you accept the challenge? You face fear, yours, the one you feel inside. Your legs are shaking and you want to turn back but you are not alone. The group supports you, encourages you. And you don’t know how but you look at fear in the face, head on. And you know what? Fear is more afraid than you are. It disappears and you feel free. Do not think twice. Look your fear straight in the eye. With your strength and your friends’ hands, fear stops being scary. Thank you for helping me stare at my fears straight in the eye. ”

Naomi Ezequiel Germes. Student of the Master in Emotional Education at the University of Barcelona, Technician in Social Integration, Special Education Teacher: “The weekend was a continuous state of acquiring “awareness”. However, it was full of positive experiences where teamwork and sharing gave me the opportunity to delve deeper into self-knowledge, to get to know the group, undoubtedly promoting group cohesion. After a few days of thinking and increasing self-awareness, I took with me a significant learning experience and the opportunity to be more aware of who I am, what I am, why I am the way I am, of my strengths, things to improve and, even more important, where I stem from when I do the things I do. For all this and much more, thank you! ”
